Waste is usually disposed into landfill. The problem is that this removes oxygen and causes the material to break down anaerobically. Over time, the landfill will produce methane: a greenhouse gas that is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide thus creating risks to human health and the environment. Thus landfill waste is a serious problem and we are all responsible (to widely varyin degrees) for adding to the level of pollution in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Landfill Zero’s Offset Credits Scheme is a way for UK businesses to impact on their Extended Producer Responsibility. The Landfill Zero Credit Scheme sponsors a host of Waste Prevention Projects which capture discarded material and prevent it from being disposed into landfill. This material can be quantified by weight unit of metric kilogram and is then converted into a verified Landfill Zero Offset Credit. Landfill Zero Offset Credits are then traded to UK businesses who can then treat this as an asset which is to be incorporated into their respective Corporate Social Responsibility Policies as a means of demonstrating compliance in relation to their Extended Producer Responsibility as well as show casing their green credentials to consumers.
The trading of Landfill Zero Offset Credit Scheme has been created to ensure projects can scale, have good methodologies and to oversee verification of the performance of the projects. The Landfill Zero Offset Credit Scheme is important in that it helps demonstrate credibility and they also help to create the Landfill Offset Credits for future Waste Prevention Projects. When Landfill Offset Credits are created they are then get added to project accounts on the Landfill Zero Offset Credits Scheme Environmental Registry. From this point the Landfill Zero Offset Credits are sold to UK businesses needing to offset the post consumer landfill footprint of the respective products which they produce and sell. The use of these register keeps track of available credits and makes this publicly visible.
So basically, we find a project developer who can worked within local communities to create a Waste Prevention Project. A Waste Prevention Project is designed to promote a circular economy with the aim landfill benefit with less waste destined for disposal. The project will be verified under the Landfill Zero Offset Credit Scheme and we will fund the project and help with project communications to get the stories out there.
Thus Landfill Offsetting Credits can compensate for the waste which is sent to landfill. If you waste it, balance it! This works with nature and uses probably the best technology we will ever have – Land! Land allows for the creation of building infrastructure which can capture waste.
The Landfill Offset Credits are accompanied by a certification and which is linked to a circular economy audit trail.
Landfill Offsetting is a viable and worthwhile action on Landfill when 3 conditions are met:
First, having understood from your activities done in the past, using Landfill Offsetting may be the only way to balance your Landfill footprint in the future. Thus by taking action to Landfill balance by offsetting the damage does not need to continue. Landfiill Zero introduced the term Landfill Compensation to explain what people are trying to communicate when they use the term Landfill offsetting.
Second, the offsetting project must be creating something of value in the world that did not exist previously. We refer to this as ‘pay back’ and it means a genuine Landfill benefit created by the project. When we invest in genuine projects we create genuine benefits that meet the criteria of pay back.
Lastly, our view is that the most holistic and long term Waste Prevention Projects are designed with both communities and people in mind. Waste Prevention Projects that harness the power of communities to create Landfill benefits in the form of credits to be used for offsetting your impact.
The Waste Prevention Projects being best designed and run create verified Landfill offsets go way further. If you choose carefully, you can find projects that by their very nature are enormously beneficial to communities. For example, the collection of bedding material such as duvets and pillows and then having these items repurposed for re-use in animal welfare charities brings involvement of the wider community and who will also receive payments to support their core cause.
Landfill Offset projects we love and work with
Duvet and Pillow Waste Prevention Project is just one example of a project we are connecting businesses and individuals to for the purposes of Landfill offsetting. Like our other projects it is an example of taking a discarded item in which the main constituent material carries a very low economic redeemable value thus discouraging collection initiatives to impact on Landfill reduction.
By Landfill Zero Stakeholder Partners, in this case, producers and retailers of bedding products subscribing to this Landfill Offsetting scheme has allowed money to be put into this project and subsequent capital acquired to be invested into a collection infrastructure. Creating subsidised collection logistics for this material and for its re-distribution to new re-user points across The UK brings real change. From it inception in 2018 this scheme has so far managed to capture and prevent 25 tonnes of material being disposed into Landfill.
Businesses and individuals can now buy Landfill Offsetting Credits. Landfill Zero has been now began to provide this service only after it has been able to create and launch several pilot Waste Prevention Projects (WPP) and create the saving in Landfill.
With the traction in circular economy we anticipate the uptake on Landfill Offsetting Credits to be high as supply chain actors seek to indemnify themselves and take cover against claims of non-compliance in relation Extended Producer Responsibility. Certified Disposal Reduction (CDRs) which are created with Landfill Stakeholder Partners under the Landfill Zero Stakeholder Partner Charter with the purpose of increasing cross sector involvement in Landfill Offsetting so as increase traction with Extended Producer Responsibility.
Likewise, individuals who are conscious of their Landfill footprint follow the mantra of Extended Consumer Responsibility of “if you waste it! Balance it!.” In this case the decision to purchase Landfill Offset is underpinned on a self conscious basis and thus any Landfill Offset Credit purchased on this basis is termed Voluntary Disposal Reduction (VDRs) Offset Credit.